陶賽(Thomas A. Dorsey, 1899-1993)出生在美國喬治亞州,父親是牧師,母親是教會的司琴。他體會到黑人在南方是很少有進展的機會,所以在十多歲時,隻身離家去芝加哥音樂界謀生,曾在餐廳彈奏鋼琴娛客。 1920年,他進入芝加哥作曲學校,不久他的黑人悲歌(Negro Blues,又名藍調或勃魯斯)大受歡迎,這是一種表現黑人自憐憂悒的曲調。 1921年秋,他因體弱多病,情緒墜入谷底,他的伯父帶他去全國黑人浸信會大會,他被感動而加入詩班。他寫了些悲吟的福音詩歌,卻沒有人願出版。一年後,陶賽又重操舊業,演奏他的爵士歌曲。 在1920年代中,他已是著名的黑人作曲家,但名利使他遠離了神。 1926年他因病萌生自殺的念頭,幸獲哈利會督及時指破迷津,並助他重拾信心。可是因他的福音詩歌遠不如他的爵士歌曲那麼暢銷,不久他又走回了娛樂圈。直到他的版權收入足以養生時,才全時間奉獻於聖樂事工。 1931年,他任芝加哥浸信會音樂主任,在各地黑人教會,迅速地推廣黑人福音詩歌。1932年,他在密蘇里州聖路易市參加一盛大的奮興會時,收到他父親電報,傳來妻子難產而亡的噩秏。他即刻回家,抱著初生的兒子感謝神,賜給他愛妻遺留的珍寶。然而數日後嬰兒亦夭折了,這雙重的打擊令他心碎欲絕,數日來他不食不眠,他無法想像失去了家人後,孑然一身,自己如何存活?他抱怨神為何讓他深陷痛苦中!葬禮後,他回到空寂的家,坐在琴旁,隨手彈出了這首「親愛主,牽我手」。下一個主日,他親自伴奏詩班,在教會中獻唱此詩。陶賽是最具影響力的美國黑人福音詩歌作家。他一共作有二百五十多首詩歌。 這首聖詩英文原名是Take My Hand, Blessed Lord,他與牧師再三禱告後,將Blessed Lord改為 Precious Lord。這首詩被譯成四十種語文。
“Take My Hand, Precious Lord” (aka “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”) is a gospel song. The lyrics were written by Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey (1899–1993), and the melody by George Nelson Allen (1812–1877).
The melody is credited to Dorsey, drawn from an 1844 hymn entitled “Maitland” by American composer George N. Allen (1812–1877). Dorsey said that he used it as inspiration. The “Maitland” music was for the text “Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone,” and first appeared in The Oberlin Social and Sabbath School Hymn Book.
Dorsey wrote “Precious Lord” in response to his inconsolable bereavement at the death of his wife, Nettie Harper, in childbirth, and his infant son in August 1932. (Mr. Dorsey can be seen telling this story in the 1981 gospel music documentary Say Amen, Somebody.) The earliest known recording was made on February 16, 1937, by the Heavenly Gospel Singers (Bluebird B6846). “Take My Hand, Precious Lord” is published in more than 40 languages.
By Elvis Presley
Precious Lord, take my hand Lead me on, Let me stand I’m tired, I am weak I am worn Through the storm, through the night Lead me on to the light Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home When my way grows drear precious Lord linger near Precious Lord, take my hand |
親愛主,牽我手,建立我,領我走; 我疲倦,我軟弱,我苦愁; 經風暴,過黑夜,求領我進光明, 親愛主,牽我手,到天庭。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我道路,雖淒涼,主臨近慰憂傷; 我在世,快打完,美好仗; 聽我求,聽我禱,攙我手防跌倒, 親愛主,牽我手,常引導。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 親愛主,牽我手,建立我,領我走; 我疲倦,我軟弱,我苦愁; 經風暴,過黑夜,求領我進光明, 親愛主,牽我手,到天庭。 聽我求,聽我禱,攙我手防跌倒, |