這首家喻戶曉的聖詩,不知安慰了多少人! 你可知道作者在什麼情況下寫下了這首感人肺腑的詩? 作者史克文(Joseph Scriven 1819-1886),生於愛爾蘭,父親是皇家海軍上校。早年他一心想當軍人,曾進軍官學校,但因健康欠佳而輟。1842年,他畢業于都柏林大學。 在他結婚前夕,他的未婚妻意外墮水溺斃,當時他痛不欲生,但恩友耶穌安慰了他。 他在廿五歲時,傷心地離開了這翠綠的故鄉,前往加拿大執教。
數年後,他再次戀愛,可是就在籌備婚禮時,未婚妻突然病故。 自此他孤獨一生,將自己的生命、財產,光陰完全奉獻給主,讓主引導前程,惟有主才是他最親密的良友。 他生性豪爽,樂於助人,經常幫助貧病和孤寡,時常帶了一把鋸子,在街頭為貧民,殘障者或寡婦義務作工。在嚴冬時,他將衣服和食物與窮苦的人分享,自己過著簡樸的生活。
1855年,他從最痛苦憂傷的經驗中,寫下了這首詩。 1857年他母親在英國病重,他不克前往探望,就把這首詩寄去安慰她。 後來有一次他自己病了,友人來探望他,從他床旁看到這首詩的草稿,閱後好奇地問他可是作者? 他說:「這首詩是主與我共同寫的」。 1886年,他不慎滅頂于安大略湖,真是不幸的巧合。 這首詩在1865年被編入英國的聖詩集中。 1875年,孫基(Ira D. Sankey)將它編入美國的「福音聖詩集」中。 雖然史克文祇寫了一首聖詩,但百餘年來一直是基督徒的至愛。
這首詩的作曲者是孔文士(Charles C. Converse 1832-1918)。他是美國人,早年赴歐就讀,回美後專攻法律,但對音樂與哲學有更廣泛的興趣。他作有許多樂曲,但最膾炙人口的,卻是1870年作的這首簡單的聖曲。 世間友情雖可貴,但經不起時間與空間的考驗。 人的志趣與觀念時常隨境遇而變遷,惟獨主是我們永恆不變的良友,我們可以隨時隨地向祂傾吐心聲而蒙垂聽。
Scriven graduated from Trinity College. After his fiancée drowned the night before they were to marry, he moved to Canada in 1846. There he taught in Woodstock and Brantford, Ontario, and was a tutor for the Pengelly family near Bewdley. It was there he met and became engaged to Eliza Roche, a relative of the Pengellys. In what seems too amazing to be coincidence, Eliza died shortly before their wedding. Following the death of his second fiancée, Scriven joined the Plymouth Brethren, helping the aged members of the community.
By Odetta and Tennessee Ernie Ford
What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer! Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged— Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Are we weak and heavy-laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge— Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In His arms He’ll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a solace there. Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised Thou wilt all our burdens bear; May we ever, Lord, be bringing All to Thee in earnest prayer. Soon in glory bright, unclouded, There will be no need for prayer— Rapture, praise, and endless worship Will be our sweet portion there. |
何等恩友慈仁救主,負我罪愆擔我憂; 何等權利能將萬事,來到耶穌座前求! 多少平安我們坐失,多少痛苦冤枉受, 都是因為未將萬事,來到耶穌座前求。 我們有無試探引誘?有無難過苦關頭? 決不應當因此灰心;仍當到主座前求! 何處能尋這般良友,同嘗一切苦與愁? 我們弱點主都知道,放心到主座前求! 我們是否軟弱多愁,千斤重擔壓肩頭? 主仍做我避難處所,奔向耶穌座前求! 你若正逢友叛親離,快向耶穌座前求! 到祂懷中祂必保護,有祂安慰便無憂。 |