Too Young

“Too Young” is a popular song.The music was written by Sidney Lippman, the lyrics by Sylvia Dee. The song was published in 1951.  In the United States, the best-known version of the song was recorded by Nat King Cole on February 6, 1951 and released by Capitol Records. It was a million-selling record and reached the #1 position on the Billboard magazine chart, staying at #1 for 5 weeks and altogether on the Best Seller chart for 29 weeks.
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Three Coins In The Fountain 羅馬之戀

《羅馬之戀》以羅馬城中被稱為『少女之泉』特雷維噴泉為背景,  敘述三位來自美國的女郎追求幸福愛情的故事。她們依照當地的傳說,在春天向少女泉投下一枚硬幣,願望就會成真。影片也如同導遊帶領遊覽羅馬、威尼斯觀賞迷人風景,這部電影,獲得1954年奧斯卡最佳攝影,最佳歌曲  的兩項金像獎。

「少女之泉」源於一則傳說,羅馬士兵征戰歸來,口渴難耐,途中遇到一位少女,帶領他們來到此泉,得以解渴。一個帶來好運氣的泉,終於變成『許願泉』。據傳說,若要許願,只能背著這個許願池,把硬幣拋入池中,將來就能再重遊此地 ;而且,必須右手拿著硬幣越過左肩才投入許願池才能實現。有機會,去試試吧~~~ Continue reading

Tom Dooley

“Tom Dooley” is an old North Carolina folk song based on the 1866 murder of a woman named Laura Foster in Wilkes County, North Carolina. It is best known today because of a hit version recorded in 1958 by The Kingston Trio. This version was a multi-format hit, reaching #1 in Billboard, the Billboard R&B listing, and appearing in the Cashbox country music top 20. It fits within the wider genre of Appalachian ‘sweetheart murder ballad’ songs such as ‘Down in the Willow Garden’ and ‘Rose Connelly’, but ‘Tom Dooley’ is based on a real event. Continue reading