Susie Darlin’

“Susie Darlin,”  a song, written in 1958, named after Robin Luke’s then five-year-old sister, Susie. Robin Luke was discovered by Hawaii entrepreneur Kimo Wilder McVay. Luke was living in Honolulu, Hawaii, attending Punahou School, in 1958 when he wrote and recorded a Billboard #5 hit,  The track also reached #23 in the UK Singles Chart. The record sold over one million copies, earning a gold disc. Continue reading

Sunrise, Sunset屋頂上的提琴手

屋頂上的提琴手”是美國百老匯一齣相當長壽的音樂劇,劇情是描述蘇聯境內一群居住在安納堤夫卡(Anatevka)的猶太家族的故事。1971年,這齣音樂劇被改編搬上銀幕,由大導演諾曼裘維森( Norman Jewison )執導,片中沒有一位大明星,但拍攝成績斐然,票房及奧斯卡提名方面均大有斬獲。 Continue reading