Spanish Eyes

“Moon Over Naples” is a 1965 instrumental composed and originally performed by German bandleader Bert Kaempfert and was the first track on his album, The Magic Music of Far Away Places for Decca Records.
It would become a hit single in 1966 for Al Martino when lyrics were added by composer Eddie Snyder and songwriter Charles Singleton, and the title changed to “Spanish Eyes”. Released in late 1965 in the United States, this recording reached number 15 on the Billboard Hot 100 and spent four weeks atop the Billboard Easy Listening chart in early 1966. This vocal version was also a hit in Europe, where it sold an estimated 800,000 copies in Germany and made the UK Singles Chart twice, peaking at number 49 in 1970 and then reaching number five in August 1973. Continue reading

Sound of Silence

“The Sound of Silence” is the song that propelled the 1960s folk music duo Simon & Garfunkel to popularity. It was written in February 1964 by Paul Simon in the aftermath of the 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy. An initial version preferred by the band was remixed and sweetened, and has become known as “the quintessential folk rock release”. In the U.S., it was the duo’s second most popular hit after “Bridge Over Troubled Water”. Continue reading

Somewhere Over the Rainbow綠野仙蹤

《綠野仙蹤》(The Wizard of Oz)是一部美國歌舞片,由米高梅電影公司於1939年發行。該片為維多·佛萊明指導,茱蒂·嘉蘭主演,內容改編自李曼·法蘭克·鮑姆撰寫的童話書《綠野仙蹤》,描述桃樂絲與三位夥伴前往歐茲王國(Oz)找回家路程的故事。由於該片劇情感人,適逢第二次世界大戰爆發,人們關心戰場上士兵的安危,因而引起相當大的共鳴。其中,茱蒂·葛蘭主演的桃樂絲所演唱的Over The Rainbow更是近代最膾炙人口的電影主題曲之一。 Continue reading