Sugar Time

“Sugartime” is a popular song, written by Charlie Phillips and Odis Echols and published in 1958. The biggest hit version was recorded by The McGuire Sisters, who topped the “Most Played Jockey” charts with their single in February of that year. In 1961, the song briefly returned to the US Cashbox country charts in a version by Johnny Cash, culled from his Sun Records catalogue. the song also make a reference to the Jimmie Rodgers song “Honeycomb”, which had been recorded a few months earlier in 1957. Continue reading

Sukiyaki 壽喜燒上を向いて歩こう 的創意


『創意』有的時候很難,有的時候又很容易。以前,我在一個研發單位工作,常提醒我的同事:『紅茶不是紅茶』。一杯已有千百年歷史傳統的紅茶,稍一變身,成為紅遍全世界的現代飲料:泡沫紅茶、珍珠奶茶,不就是創意思考模式最好的例證?一個有效的創意帶動的效果,若再搭配精彩的故事,將使之更能歷久不衰。 Continue reading

Speak Softly, Love 教父

這首《教父》的配樂是由義大利作曲家尼諾·羅塔(Nino Rota)作曲配樂,當年雖被提名奧斯卡最佳原創配樂獎,但是最後卻被取消資格。因羅塔曾使用他在艾杜亞多.德.菲利浦的喜劇作品《Fortunella》所寫的主題曲作為《教父》的主題曲,即使在那部喜劇中的主題曲是輕快斷奏的,但是旋律與教父的主題曲無異。也因此《教父》的配樂無法獲得奧斯卡的肯定。怪異的是,1974年的《教父第二集》同樣採取《教父》的主題配樂,但是卻獲得了當年的最佳配樂獎。 Continue reading